CP Law Associates

Can I Request a 4 Day Working Week?

A four day working week has become more popular after the Covid 19 pandemic.

It has left employees often thinking of asking their employers for a four day week, where the days are longer but there is no cut to pay. A four day working week is currently being trialled by a number of companies in the UK and across a range of sectors. 

The scheme was announced in January 2022 and is being run by the 4 day week campaigners and backed by researchers at Cambridge University, Oxford University and Boston College. 

The website states that the timeline for the 4 day week campaign is: 

February – March 2022: Rollout of information sessions on the pilot program.
31 March 2022:
Deadline for signing up to the first phase of the pilot program.
April 2022: Preparation, training and onboarding sessions with our support team begins.
May 2022: Establish baseline metrics for the research aspect of the pilot and get trial-ready.
June to November 2022 (inclusive): 6-month trial period. 

During the six month trial, researchers will be monitoring the effects of the shorter working week on productivity, employee wellbeing and gender equality. Another factor that will also be measured is the impact that it will have on the environment.

Can I Request a 4 Day Working Week?

It is now too late to be a part of the trial, but you may be able to speak with your employer to see if it could be part of a flexible working agreement. 

If you are an employee with 26 weeks of continuous employment and you have not made any other flexible working requests in the last 12 months, then you have the right to request flexible working. This legal right will allow you to request amendments to your existing working hours, your flexi time arrangements and also compressed working hours or part time working, which includes job shares.

If you have also either been a carer, parent or you are returning to work from maternity then you are also entitled to request flexible working hours and/or days.

If you are thinking about asking your employer about the possibility of going down to a 4 day working week, or you want to know more about the flexible working hours at your place of work, we suggest that you check your company’s flexible working policy before speaking with your employer. 

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If you would like us to support you in providing advice to approach your employer or to take a look at your company’s existing flexible working policy then contact us for a free initial consultation. Contact Us

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