CP Law Associates

When will no fault divorce be introduced?

When will no fault divorce be introduced?

It is a known fact that the ongoing pandemic has placed many strains and new pressures on everyone’s personal lives. Research by University College of London carried out in the pandemic showed that one in five relationships were struggling to survive. If a divorce in your relationship is inevitable the situation can be made more positive if couples work together to shape their separate futures especially if there are children involved.  A major development to help change the conversation for couples when it comes to a divorce is the introduction of a no-fault divorce. Also known as the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 the change will come into force from 6th April 2022, this act will replace the existing Matrimonial Causes Act of 1973 –  this act meant that one party had to prove that their partner is at fault through either; adultery, desertion or unreasonable behaviour with the only alternative being a period of separation which results in two years where both parties agree to divorce or five years if one side does not consent. 

The No Fault Divorce Act will allow married couples to issue divorce proceedings without assigning blame, as only a statement of irretrievable breakdown will be needed. Couples are also able to file for a divorce jointly. 

The No fault Divorce Act was meant to come into force in the Autumn, was subsequently delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

How Can I get a No Fault Divorce?

The process is still yet to be established, but broadly speaking the process will be:

  1.  One party, or both parties together will give notice that the marriage has irretrievably broken down 
  2. The situation is then revisited after 20 weeks where the parties that gave notice then confirm they want to proceed with the divorce
  3. The court can then make a conditional order 
  4. After another 6 weeks the court then makes a final order

How Long Will a No Fault Divorce Take?

It should take roughly 26 weeks but is known to be substantially longer when accounting for administration and processing time. 

Individuals will also be able to apply for a no fault divorce online as well as in traditional paper form. 

How Can CP Law Associates Help With a No Fault Divorce?

CP Law Associates are proactive divorce lawyers. Before deciding on whether a no fault divorce is the best option for you, we will sit down and discuss the situation with you, ensuring you are aware of all options that you may have. 

We also offer a free initial consultation.

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