CP Law Associates

Lasting Power of Attorney

Last year, research was conducted by Solicitors for the Elderly that showed 65% of people think that their next of kin will make medical and care decisions for us if we are no longer able to.

But in reality, unless you have a Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney in place, this isn’t the case.

The COVID 19 pandemic seen a large rise in the numbers of people enquiring about the Lasting Power of Attorneys (LPA’s) but still, research conducted that only 22% of people in the UK actually have one.

If you are thinking about making a Lasting Power of Attorney, it is vital to get any legal documents right, as around 22,000 LPA’s are rejected every year. If you are in a position where you have to make a difficult legal solution, then it is important to ensure that you speak to a specialist lawyer who has experience in this area of law and who is able to support you through the process.

To find out if our team can help you, please contact our lawyers today. 

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