CP Law Associates

Pedestrian hit and run accident claims

When discussing hit and run accidents usually what tends to come to peoples minds are two cars colliding and one driver not stopping to hand over their details to the other driver. There are a number of reasons why a driver doesn’t stop, some examples are because they are in a state of shock about what has just happened or perhaps they are not insured and worried about the consequences.

But what happens when you are a pedestrian and you have been hit by a car that fails to stop?

On Britain’s roads in 2018 there were 22,400 pedestrians that were injured in road traffic collisions, they happen frequently and pedestrians on busy streets with free flowing traffic can be in serious danger. Pedestrian hit and run accidents are more likely to be fatal due to having less protection than any other road users.

What are the most common causes of pedestrian accident claims?

There are a number of causes as to why a pedestrian can be injured on the roads and mostly it comes down to drivers’ negligence. Some examples of theses are below:

· Drivers that are under the influence of alcohol or drugs

· Drivers not following the highway code

· Drivers not paying enough attention to the roads

· Road drivers driving too fast

What is the right approach when you are a pedestrian that has been hit by a hit and run driver?

If you have been involved in a hit and run CP Law Associates recommend that you should first phone the police, reporting the accident with as much evidence you have at that time including the car registration if you were able to get this and take photographs at the scene if it is possible.

What can I claim?

If you have become the victim of a hit and run accident or you have been involved in an accident that includes an uninsured driver, you may be able to make a hit and run compensation claim through the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB).

Once you make a compensation claim through the MIB they will write to you or your lawyer to confirm that they have received your claim and evidence of claim. Following this, they will then investigate the circumstances surrounding the pedestrian hit and run accident that you have been involved in and will contact the police for their log of the report.

How can CP Law Associates help you claim hit and run compensation?

If you are the victim in a pedestrian hit and run accident, we can help you claim the compensation that you are entitled to. Our expert lawyers have a vast amount of experience in successful compensation claims after developing in depth knowledge due to working in this industry for a number of years. As experts in finding a positive outcome for hit and run compensation we can provide you with clear and concise information to make your claims process a lot easier to understand.

To find out more on how we can help you at CP Law Associates with your hit and run compensation claim, please fill in our contact form below:

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