CP Law Associates

National Divorce Day

Today marks the annual and national divorce day coined by the media as the first Monday in January.

National divorce day usually follows a Christmas where couples may feel that they are being forced to spend what is usually a joyful time together, but instead they are finding the situation unbearably stressful and have spent most of their Christmas break considering their options for divorce, that’s why today is classed as National ‘Divorce Day’ the day that lawyers receive a number of calls on their first day back, in relation to divorce after the Christmas break.

The year 2020 was like no other

In the UK, the divorce rate is highest for men aged 45-49 and women aged 40-44.

2020 had however, been completely different to any other year experienced here at CP Law Associates, where the national lockdowns and tier restrictions meant that couples really were ‘forced’ to spend a large amount of time in each other’s company, because of this, it is likely that 2020 will have seen a substantial rise in couples seeking divorce than compared to previous years. In 2019, there had been a surge of divorces by a fifth.

Are you considering a divorce?

Our dedicated team of lawyers are on hand to help you consider your options. You can find further information regarding our divorce expertise on our divorce service page. If you require assistance from our team here at CP Law Associates, then please contact us below.

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