CP Law Associates

Can a Landlord Legally Install Security Cameras in the UK?

Can a Landlord Legally Install Security Cameras in the UK?

Knowing the complexities around the law as a landlord can become daunting, if you are looking for advice or an answer on installing security cameras on your property as a landlord in the UK, well the good news is that you are able to do so. In this article, we will take a look at when and where it is appropriate to install security cameras, whilst also ensuring that your property abides by the law in the UK.

Your rights as a landlord securing CCTV on your property

As a landlord, you are able to install security cameras on your property, as long as it is done respectfully and responsibly. You will need to ensure that there are signs that indicate that surveillance equipment is being used, this is to ensure that your tenants and any visitors are aware. You are not permitted to install security cameras in areas that people expect privacy. These areas include, bathrooms and bedrooms.

Any footage taken by security cameras will also be monitored or recorded digitally. Landlords must inform their tenants beforehand and obtain written consent before it is installed. Any recordings must only be used for legitimate purposes that relate to both the tenant and landlord’s interest, including keeping the tenants and the property safe, if your recordings do not meet this remit, then it is likely the recordings are illegal.

What are tenants rights when it comes to security cameras?

It is important to remember that although that landlords have the right to install security cameras on their property, tenants also have a right to privacy. This means that if a recording is made it should not be made in an intrusive or disrespectful manner; all personal information collected via the recordings should also remain secure and only be accessible by those that need the access. Landlords must also ensure that clear guidelines are in place about the recording and how data is used and can be stored.

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