Hit and Run Accident Claims
Hit and Run Accident Claims
In the year ending 2019, 27,820 people were killed or seriously injured in road accidents in the UK. But what happens if you are involved and a hit and run accident?
Being the victim of a hit and run accident can be extremely distressing but it is important to know your rights and what needs to be done if you find yourself in this situation.
Identifying the driver
If the identity of the driver that has hit you in the collision is unknown it may still be possible to claim compensation for a road traffic accident, and this is where CP Law Associates can help you.
Our highly trained lawyers can demonstrate a wealth of knowledge in successful claims for hit and run accidents. Untraceable drivers or uninsured driver compensation claims can be made against the Government body – The Motors Insurers’ Bureau, this body is put in place so that those who are injured in circumstances like a hit and run accident, do not experience financial hardships on top of any physical or emotional trauma from the accident.
How do the hit and run accident claims with MIB work for un-traced drivers?
For a claim against the MIB for an un-traced driver, the accident must have been reported immediately to police and if there is no claim to show that the accident was reported immediately within 5 days of the accident, the MIB may reject the claim. If you have an injury claim however, there is a 14 day time period.
For court proceedings lawyers have to work with the MIB’s self contained scheme, this means allowing them time to obtain the evidence and instruct and expert to look at the case for the hit and run accident. The process or this is started off with the completion and submission of an application form, as expert injury lawyers we can help you with this process.
If your claim through the MIB is successful, you may find that you have to pay something towards the costs of the case, but if you contact us to discuss your hit and run accident claim we can go through this with you. Although with some cases the MIB is limited to what it can do, the Untraced Driver Scheme that it offers does allow for compensation claims where you may not be able to find another remedy, the CP Law Associates personal injury team are here to help you with your hit and run accident claim and maximise the settlement. Contact u today.
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